Know the secrets of How to work smart & hard

Know the secrets of How to work smart hard

Know the secrets of How to work smart & hard

The Basic Steps on How to Work Smart:

1. Learn how to delegate your work properly:

If you’re a new entrepreneur or a businessman, try to assemble a team of capable individuals who can achieve what you are aiming for.

Consistency and effectiveness are the basic smart work tips. Employees who give a consistent output are more valuable than employees who try to give attention to every single detail of the output.

Try to surround yourself with people who know what they are doing and are good at their jobs, and try to learn tips and tricks from them. This can enable you to plan your future endeavors more carefully and effectively.

2. Don’t confuse effort with effectiveness:

Just because you are working hard doesn’t mean that you are getting the job done.

  • Are you doing what you’ve been told?
  • Are you getting the desired output?
  • Are you moving forward toward your goal?

If not, try to change your plan of action. It’s easy to fall into the temptation of working hard and losing sight of your final destination. Try to spend energy on tasks that are worth the sacrifice given. Try to focus on tasks that are significant and important to the job given.

3. Use time wisely:

It’s a known fact that there are only 24 hours a day, and we cannot extend the hours in a day even if we want to.

The only best method is to utilize the time properly and wisely. Do not waste time with the façade of working hard. This is where smart work is really effective. Try not to waste energy doing unproductive activities and tasks. The intensity of your work should be a balance between wasteful idleness and extremely hard work. Always try to keep a fine line between the two extremes.

4. Knowing when to quit:

The word “quitting” has been coined as a negative term and people always tend to mistake quitting as a form of losing.

Quitting is not always that negative, knowing when to quit prevents you from creating further loss to yourself, and your employees and risking other factors such as social status, relationships, etc.

Try to figure out the feasibility of the task.

  • Is it worth your time and energy?
  • Will I get an equivalent output in return?

Consider all such factors before venturing into tedious tasks. Otherwise, learn to say no and turn your attention to something more productive.*AjO27o_YQ7RxPBCgJrjk7A.png

I guess many are familiar with the story of a woodcutter, let me remember it again as an example of smart work.

Once upon a time, there were two woodcutters living in a village.

One woodcutter was very young while the other was quite old.

One day, the king of that village asked the woodcutters to cut some logs, to build the furniture. The king wanted to get his work done faster, so he declared that whoever cut the maximum logs in the minimum time will be rewarded.

Both the young and old woodcutters went to cut the logs.

As the young man was very energetic, so he cut so many logs within a few hours without taking a single break. The old man started his work at a mild pace and took a break in every 20 minutes.

The young woodcutter thought that “I am very young compared to this old man and I am doing my work continuously, so I will definitely win this reward, and then he got very happy with this thought”.

The old man took several breaks during his work, but the young man was continuously cutting the logs without taking any breaks.

At the end of the day, when all work got done, the king’s secretary counted the wooden logs cut by both men.

And surprisingly the old man came out as the winner because he cut the maximum logs.

 The young man was very sad to hear the results; he went to the old man to know his tactics.

The young man told the old man “I don’t understand how you won this reward. I was the one who was working very hard, but still, you cut more logs compared to me?”

“Oh dear, Every time I took a break, I sharpened my axe. After each break, I felt more refreshed so I analyzed the correct way to cut the logs. You started the work with full energy, but soon your speed got slow because your axe was not sharp, also your mind and body got tired because of continuous work, so you did not analyze the correct way to cut the logs. That is the reason, why I cut more logs compared to you; the old man replied.”

The young man understood the meaning of smart work compared to normal work.

Working continuously is not the solution to get success, but being smarter is much needed as we should invest in sharpening our skills and also we should give enough rest to our mind and body to regain energy.

Morel of the story

In today’s fast-paced world. Output is what matters. Every human invention has been created to enhance our capability to produce outcomes in the most efficient way possible. We try to produce maximum output with minimum input of time and energy.

The mantra to achieve success is SMART WORK.


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